Tea grows cold in a settled cup, so too coin in a closed fist. Gardens exult where the past lay buried, and bodies may yet come to seed beneath the shadow of passing cloud. Bone incense or canal sludge, all debts turn upon the debtor. The city weeps in cracked ceramic; the exchange of glance an expensive, dangerous obligation.   

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Beyond the edges of the lands haunted by sorrow and obligation, the desert opens its vulture-throat to sing the song of the trade: perverse, dissonant, exultant.  When the threads of too many lost caravans are pulled into counting knots and the tramp of years become so many sighs of hate and yearning, what will it mean to cut a wound in the hollows between the dunes?  

To order a copy of Kazak: 100 Blades Vol. II (Origins-Void) ($14.00 including shipping) please use the paypal button below!
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The city wails, the city mourns, the city prays. Beyond, the desert wraps mystery in the hissing whisper of sand and sun. But that mystery is esoteric, shapeless, impossible. Far more pressing is the curl of a dead question sprawled across the steps of a guardhouse, lies slipped from cupped hand to ear, and a dirge that walks.


To order a copy of Kazak: 100 Blades Vol. I (Origins-Marionette) ($14.00 including shipping) please use the payal button below!

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