Blade #3 'Soghu's Gaze'

First depicted in Origins-Marionette, Dekki's weapon is a massive crossbow-like mechanism (actually what might be considered a light arbalest) much like the German wallarmbrust. The ponderousness of the weapon, as well as its extraordinary sophistication for the wastes (even the city) mark it as unique to Dekki. Thought by others within the guard as a gift directly passed to Dekki's family by the Soghu or the Soghu's agents, the weapon required prodigious training on Dekki's part to master. Standing from stock to end, the whole device stretches nearly 3 1/2 feet; thus sighting and firing is an exercise in both strength and care. Widely disdained by Dekki's underlings as an underhanded, honorless weapon by the customs of the wastes, none-the-less most carried a great deal of respect for its stopping power. It is said that Dekki once prevented a murder by spitting the aggressor with a shot that passed through a stone wall.